Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hand press & paper cutter at Drew Press, Inc.

This table-top press was used by Junior Gossell to teach printing to students in grades 7th to 9th from the 1940’s thru the 1960’s at Sandford School in South Minneapolis.

The Reliance paper cutter rounds out the antique equipment at LegUp studio. Capable of cutting an entire ream of 11" x 17" cardstock in a single stroke

Press's at Drew Press Inc.

The press’s used at Drew Press Inc. include Bob’s two press’s, a table-top platen press owned by Bob’s first printing instructor  Junior Gossell and a Poco proof press previously owned by Fran Shea of Zeichen Press

2 pictures of Bob Papas’s 1887 Golding  Pearl Treadle driven, floor model letterpress. This press also pictured in the previous posting, was cast the year his father was born.

100+ year old 'Poco" proof press, now known as Fran.

Heart of Drew Press collection

Introducing Drew Press Inc.                                         
The heart of the letterpress collection

Featuring equipment handed down from teachers to  
students. Junior GosselleRobert F. PapaseJon Drew

 The original Plumbline Press was a private press started in 1951 by Minneapolis Southwest high school graphic arts teacher, Robert Felton Papas. Here is part of Bob’s Profile description as posted in the Briar Press register of private press names,

 “Plumbline Press originated in 1951, when I was in the 7th grade. My first press was a 2” x 3” Baltimore hand press and I had 4 cases of type. When I was in the ninth grade my dad bought me a 7” x 11” Pearl, which I have used until now.  Within the Masonic fraternity, a plumbline is the working tool of a past master.”

   Below is Bob Papas’ 1st press,  2” x 3"   Baltimore hand press. Given to him by his Father in 1953.